(* Please Note: These tips are supplied as a customer courtesy. No responsibility is taken for them since we are unable to supervise their application)
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One of the biggest nightmares on expensive leather furniture, shoes or jackets is ink stains. While Urad and Leather Mate will help prevent such stains from being so readily absorbed, what do you do if they already have been?
The following summary has been compiled from users all over the world. They will help you clean ink stains off of leather goods, especially tan leather or white leather.
Important Note: Always test leather care products or cleaning products on an inconspicuous area such as the back of the chair, the inside arch of the shoe etc. Not all leather is the same.
Using isopropyl alcohol ("rubbing alcohol") or denatured alcohol you can remove most ink stains. This type of alcohol is available from most pharmacies and grocery stores. Put it on a soft cloth and rub or dab the area gently and let it dry. Test first on an area that will not be seen to ensure the leather finish will not be affected. Follow up with a leather conditioner such as Urad, Leather Mate or Tenderly if the leather looks or feels dry.
Rub a small amount into the stain. Let is sit for a few minutes and then rub it off.
This method has been used successfully to remove ink stains from tan leather couches.
You may find this particularly useful in cleaning car leather interiors. The cleaning ingredients help disolve the stains, the wipes are non-abrasive and they also add some conditioning to the leather.
A number of people have successfully used Windex to remove ink stains from their leather. We recommend trying the other methods first, but this method has been used successfully to remove black dye from a beige leather couch and a cream leather sofa.
Spray on the windex and rub gently with a soft scrubbing brush. Rinse well and then finish up with a leather conditioner such as Urad, Leather Mate or Tenderly (available from this website).
If you have acetone-free nail polish remover you may want to try this method. Rub a small amount over the stain with a soft cloth. You should see the stain disappear almost instantly. Test on the back of the leather chair or inside of the leather jacket first. Once the stain is gotten clean any traces of the nail polish remover with a leather cleaner such as URAD. The Urad will also help return any moisture to the leather lost in the cleaning process. This method has been used to successfully remove green ink from a leather sofa.
Don't use hairspray to remove ink stains if you can avoid it. It will sometimes work but you run the risk of damaging your leather with the other chemicals the hairspray contains. The ingredient that is doing the work in hairspray is the alcohol. So it is safer to use plain alcohol as covered above in an earlier tip. This method has however been used successfully to remove ball point pen ink from a white leather chair.
To remove mildew from your leather goods, our method of choice is Urad or Leather Mate. You will be astounded at how this product instantly removes not only the mold or mildew, but also cleans and softens the leather and brings it back to life. It also inhibits further growth.
If you don't have Urad or Leather Mate to hand, and can't wait for your order to arrive, you may want to try the following method which has been used:
Take one cup rubbing alcohol or denatured alcohol and add one cup of water. Sponge on leather and let dry in a current of air. Or spray on with spray mister and also let dry in stream of air.
Correct storage of your leather items will prevent nasty mildew build-up.
Don't store leather garments or shoes in completely sealed plastic bags. Allow the items to breathe. Leather garments or shoes stored in sealed bags will create a haven for mold and mildew.
If the leather gets wet (such as leather shoes) stuff them with dry newspaper. This will help the leather maintain its shape while drying, and also help absorb the moisture. Don't wear them again until they have dried fully.
Try stuffing your leather bags with tissues or newspaper to help them maintain their shape and absorb any moisture due to humidity.
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The team from www.Urad-Leathermate.com
